Exhibition of space&designstrategies

Opening 25 June 2024, 18h
Klosterplatz 8, 4810 Gmunden

The final exhibition of the space&designstrategies programme at the University of Art and Design Linz will be shown this year in the former Carmelite convent in Gmunden. Inspired by the location and its surroundings, students are presenting projects that deal individually with current social and ecological issues as part of the annual theme "Emerging Environments".

space&designstrategies combines elements of design, architecture and art and aims to analyse and design future forms of living. Students develop strategies for co-operative coexistence between human and non-human environments and explore the challenges and possibilities of new forms of coexistence. HOW IT WAS AS IT iS now shows a spectrum of works ranging from a utopian architecture for fish, chemical experiments with plants, sound installations and photo collages to textile sculptures. This diversity reflects the various strategies and approaches used to translate possible future environments into concept, material and form. In addition to the works in and around the monastery, there will also be performative works on the platforms floating in Lake Traunsee by Plateau Bloa project as part of the Capital of Culture 2024. The exhibition is part of the project Avantgarden 2024.

With projects by:
Claudia Grubmüller, Irina Müller, Viktoria Hauser, Rebecca Strasser-Kirchweger, Chaz Gervais, Johanna Pratzner, Kaya Lackner, Doga Su Güryay, Daria Agapova, Robin Maxwell Renner, Anton Filchakov, Franziska Duzler, Fiona Prohaska, Lorenz Willer, Mina Darvishi, Michaela Vseteckova, Yasaman Mohebbi

Tuesday 25.06.24, 18.00 with drinks and snacks in the monastery
17:00 Performance on PLATEAU BLO on the Traunsee shore (exact location to be announced)

Exhibition duration: 26.06. - 7.07.24
Opening hours: Tue - Sun, 10.00 - 18.00

We would like to thank our cooperation partners!