Artists in residence


16 - 29 June 2024

Terrains Vagues is a multidisciplinary collective that offers creations combining architecture, construction, graphic design and cultural mediation. By reflecting on the social dynamics of a territory, its needs and collective memories, the collective takes an active, contextual approach to spaces, drawing inspiration from existing realities.Through the construction of small-scale constructions, artistic installations and graphic interventions.

Terrains Vagues envisions places as spaces with multiple potentials that make possible encounters and the reappropriation of common goods. To encourage the transmission of knowledge, the inclusion and decompartmentalization of practices, interventions are designed to be participatory and provide an opportunity to share with the public involved.

Vor Ort arbeitetTerrains Vagues an der Erprobung des „Kleinsten Wasserparks Österreichs“ als utopisches Projekt, das die Zugänglichkeit von Freizeiteinrichtungen in touristischen Gebieten und speziell am Traunsee in Gmunden hinterfragt, wo der Zugang hauptsächlich privat ist. Es ist ein Fingerzeig auf große Infrastrukturen, die ein von der Umgebung losgelöstes bezahltes Vergnügen bietet und eine konsumorientierte Betrachtungsweise unserer natürlichen Umwelt fördert.

The project’s goal is to use one of the floating platforms made by Plateau Blo and turn it into a sum of experimental and collaborative water games. They want to propose another design of water parks by constructing systems, out of reused materials, that can be activated by the public in order to interact with the Lake Traunsee. 

On the opening, on Saturday 29th from 11am to 2pm, they will activate the installation, first with a performance where they will ask questions to the lake and then invite people to use the installation.

On 25 June, the artists will be on show at the Exhibition of space&designstrategies degree programme im ehemaligen Karmelitinnenkloster anwesend und stellen um 14h ihre Arbeit vor.

Öffentliches Abschlussevent der Residenz findet am 29. Juni ’24 von 11h – 14h am Seebahnhof statt.